Holy Week & Easter 2021

Holy Week 2021 Schedule

Your guide to all the services leading up to Easter Day! There are a variety of in person, outdoor and livestreamed services during Holy Week so all may worship safely. Before joining us in person, please read through the safety protocols (linked above). Reservations are required for all in person services—links will be sent in the ePistle and posted on Facebook & the website, or call 732-254-1734. All outdoor events are weather permitting—check our Facebook page for updates.
Sunday, March 28 
10:00 am Palm Sunday Holy Eucharist (in person and livestreamed) with palm distribution and congregational reading of the Passion Gospel According to Mark.
Sunday, March 28
1:30 pm Stations of the Cross OUTSIDE at Corpus Christi (100 James St.), a prayerful pilgrimage through the stations of the Lord’s passion. Weather permitting. No seating available—participants will be walking from station to station around the perimeter of the parking lot.
Thursday, April 1
7:00 pm Maundy Thursday (in person and livestreamed).
Commemoration of the Lord’s Supper. Concludes with the stripping and washing of the Altar and closing of the church until Easter (there will be no Watch this year).
Friday, April 2
12:00 pm Good Friday (livestreamed only)
Liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer with a special recorded presentation of the Passion Gospel According to John.
Saturday, April 3
7:30 pm Easter Eve (in person OUTDOORS and livestreamed)
A brief liturgy to welcome Easter, featuring the New Fire, lighting of the Paschal Candle and Exsultet.
8:00 pm Easter Eve: Liturgy of Lessons and Renewal of Baptismal Vows (livestreamed only) Old Testament readings, liturgical responses and prayers traditionally offered by candlelight at the Great Vigil of Easter. Concludes with the online congregation renewing their Baptismal Vows.
Sunday, April 4
8:00 am Easter Day Holy Eucharist (in person OUTDOORS)
10:00 am Easter Day (in person and livestreamed):
Festival celebration of the Holy Eucharist.

Our Holy Week schedule tries to serve the diverse needs of our faith community by providing for a balanced schedule of in-person and online worship events, and allowing for times for the building to rest and be cleaned for the health and safety of all.