Spiritual Direction

Discovering the presence and action of God in our lives.

What is spiritual direction?

Throughout human history individuals have sought spiritual directors to accompany them in their pursuit of the mystery we call God. Whether “you turn to the right or to the left, a voice behind you is saying, this is the way; walk in it” (Isaiah 30:21).

Spiritual direction is an introspective practice in which one person accompanies another in the process of discovering the presence and action of God in his or her life.  The role of the spiritual director is to invite the seeker to pay attention with both their mind and heart to their questions, fears, doubts, joys, and celebrations on their spiritual journey.  The seeker is invited to listen to the words or questions that the spiritual director might offer to guide them into a deeper relationship with God. 

The depiction of the Three chairs represents the dynamics of the pursuit of the mystery we call God.  In one chair, sits the seeker (directee), the spiritual director sitting in the second chair, and the Presence of the Divine in the third.  The spiritual director listens not only to the directee’s life but in particular for their prayer and spiritual practices; or their struggle with these practices; and with their relationship with a sacred Presence—who may be called God, Christ, or Holy Spirit.  

By meeting regularly with a spiritual director, seekers move toward freedom by becoming more attentive and more responsive to God’s invitations, even when sometimes they cannot fathom doing so.  Seekers are encouraged to contact the Reverend Deacon Brigitte Pincelli, a certified Spiritual Director for twelve years.